Mitt Romney  headed west Wednesday to begin campaigning in Minnesota and Nevada after becoming the republicans front runner for president. He had a solid victory in florida. Romney is also going to receive secret service protection. The secret service protection isn't needed, but he's going to have it anyway just to be safe. Romney has dominated the South East and would like to continue his success in the other parts of the country.

I wouldn't mind Romney being president. I really don't care who becomes president. I do think it's time for a Republican leader though. I think it's good that Romney is currently the #1 republican runner. Although I really don't think that he needs the secret service protection. If he is just campaigning and isn't actually the president, then he most likely isn't going to get assassinated or assaulted.
keaton hill
2/15/2012 06:37:49 am

i wouldn't mind if Romney is president either. he seems like he has a good idea of what he will do if the is elected. I think that it is time for a republican leader. I also agree that is is good that he is the front runner for the republican party. I dont think that he should get the secret service to protect him.


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