If I was a teenager with 2 illegal immigrant parents this would be important to me, because my parents would not be able to drive. It would suck because if I did not have my license, I would either have to walk or have someone else drive me places. There would be no easy ways to get places, because finding someone to drive you would be difficult, and walking would take forever and most likely result in you often being late.

Summary- The article was about a debate discussing the possible repeal of the law that allows immigrants to get license. It bitterly divided law makers in the state. New Mexico and Washington allow illegal immigrants to get licenses. Utah allows illegal immigrants to get a driver's privilege card. Overall the article just mainly discusses immigrants' rights to get licences and drive.
Egyptians mourn after 79 people die at a soccer riot. The government erupted in anger after the national tragedy. The speaker of the parliament ordered an end to Thursday's parliament session. It was caused by some sort of revolution, or uprising. The revolution or uprising's roots are unknown, but most likely come from a political problem or religion difference.

I think this was a really bad event that happened in Egypt. It happened at a normal soccer game, too. I don't think anyone saw it coming. It was caused most likely by either political rivalries or religious differences. The event was very tragic, as 79 people dieing at a normal soccer game is very out of the ordinary. 
Mitt Romney  headed west Wednesday to begin campaigning in Minnesota and Nevada after becoming the republicans front runner for president. He had a solid victory in florida. Romney is also going to receive secret service protection. The secret service protection isn't needed, but he's going to have it anyway just to be safe. Romney has dominated the South East and would like to continue his success in the other parts of the country.

I wouldn't mind Romney being president. I really don't care who becomes president. I do think it's time for a Republican leader though. I think it's good that Romney is currently the #1 republican runner. Although I really don't think that he needs the secret service protection. If he is just campaigning and isn't actually the president, then he most likely isn't going to get assassinated or assaulted.
     Miramonte Elementary school reopened today after sex abuse charges. The school has hired an all new staff. Although, student attendance was only 68%. The student attendance before the sex abuse charges was 90%. Also, the old teachers are allowed to return.
     I think what happened at that elementary school was wrong. I know if my child went to that school, and that happened, I wouldn't be happy. I would have them transfer schools. I would still have them transfer schools even if the school hired an all new staff. I think it is unfair to the students that this happened to. Some students were most likely traumitized. It is even more unfair that the old teachers are allowed to return after this happened.
Mitt Romney is being debated on whether he is a job creator or job destroyer. The choice is between stakeholder capitalism and shareholder capitalism. The stakeholder will be a profit organization, while the shareholder will be for the single purpose of investors. The job creator would more benefit our lower-class Americans that didn't graduate college. The job destroyer would benefit our higher educated population, and business owners.

I think the stakeholder capitalism would be the better choice, because it will open up more jobs for people in the economy. The shareholder capitalism will lay-off more workers than the stakeholder. Also, the stakeholder capitalism will help stimulate our economy. There are too many non-working Americans in our country, and we need to create more job opportunities for them.